Tax Preparation Services
Tax Accountants in Perth Amboy, New Jersey
We prepare returns for all business tax entities: S Corp, C Corp, LLC, Partnership and Sole Proprietorships. We are especially well versed in the categories of business: Actors, Auctions and Online Stores, Beauty, CNA, Childcare, Construction, Couriers, Cosmetics, Dancers, Delivery Drivers, Engineering Firms, Handyman, Home Health Care, Insurance Agent/Agency, Law Firms, Long Haul Truck Drivers, Mail Delivery, Massage Therapists, Models, Online Businesses, Newspaper Delivery, Pizza Delivery, Property Management, RN, Real Estate Agents/Brokers and Teachers.
- Business tax preparation - corporate, LLC, etc.
- Multi-state tax preparation for businesses
- Tax returns for individuals
- Estate tax returns
- Form 990 tax return preparation for nonprofits
- Expatriate tax preparation and FBAR filing
- Quicker tax refunds with E-file